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For the Love of Maverick

$5,000 Reward
Maverick 2
Maverick 1

Let me tell you a story......(location Wilmington NC)


Maverick was probably purposely starved and he either got out or was dumped when the "fun" was over! He came to Animal Control in acute distress and was taken care of by Becca, one of our fosters (who brought him home to help him heal). He was seen at Animal Emergency & Trauma Hospital twice and then we took him under rescue. He went to our vet, who started IVs, antibiotics, and various medications to help him.


He came home with me for the night to observe him hourly. He and I lay together most of the night. His eyes, so gentle and soft, told me he forgave the human who did this to him. I cried while I held him, trying to get him just to eat a little. He went back to our vet first thing in the morning. Sadly, they called me an hour or so later and said, he is suffering now and it was time to send him to Rainbow Bridge.


He died in my arms, still with those forgiving eyes as if to say "it's OK. I will be free now." Well, I CANNOT AND WILL NOT FORGIVE!!! This is an unspeakable act of cruelty. Sadly, he only represents what happens EVERY day in our community. PLEASE continue to share Maverick's story. I WILL find this S.O.B. if it's the last thing I do.


Thank you to ALL of you who have shared, cared, and put forth donation amounts for the reward. Maverick and I are forever grateful!!!! It is up to us now as there are NO videos. Feel free to copy, print, and put up the flyer, should you so choose. Thank you again.


Love, Maverick and me 

Thank you, Diana

Freedom Bridge Founder & President

Found Poster

"Unfortunately, Taco Bell did not have any video footage that showed Maverick being dumped. I am now putting reward posters all throughout Wilmington. IF you would like to copy and post some in your neighborhoods, that would be great! We really don't know where he came from so it's like searching for a needle in a haystack BUT someone knows something and I will keep going until the POS (Piece of ****) is found. It's in our hands now, as a community. I will post the reward amount once I have the total. Offers are still coming in, for which I am most grateful!!! Together we will bring justice for Maverick and all others currently in the same situation. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SHARES/REPOSTS/OFFERS TO HELP!! Maverick is smiling down from Rainbow Bridge."

Diana, Freedom Bridge Founder

Maverick 3
Reward for Maverick
WECT Story on Maverick

PLEASE CONTINUE TO SHARE! We NEED to find the person(s) responsible. Someone knows something.

A starved pup's death should NOT be in vain. Maverick IS the voice of all the neglected and abused! Help us find who did this. If you see something, SAY something! These poor souls have only OUR voice. Together we can make a difference.

Even as he was dying, his eyes were forgiving... WE CANNOT and WILL NOT forgive. Rest in peace, sweet boy, and know that we are continuing to fight your battle for you and all those like you!

#JusticeForMaverick #FreedomBridgeAnimalRescueNC

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